Ninjas Program - 5 and 6 years old Children's Martial arts Ninja Program in Ann Arbor
Kids that lack confidence have a much harder time then children with high self-esteem.
Children that lack interpersonal skills are at a severe disadvantage over kids that have them. They are much more likely to feel like “outsiders”, be shut out from peer groups and may become targets for bullying. Many are “left behind” because they just don’t know how to make friends and make appropriate decisions in relation to other children.
Our programs are developmentally specific. We look at the individual, where they are, their particular needs and what will serve them best. Utilizing our almost 20 years of training and experience in human behavior and learning theory, we have designed each program to help you get the help, guidance and support you need to give your child every advantage they need to succeed.
For example, socialization is critical for any person to get their needs met in life. We all must learn to work with others to get what we want. A key part of our Ninjas program is designed to provide your child with a series of experiences to build the skills to successfully integrate and excel in their peer group.
Our classes have drills that provide a framework for understanding how people interact and cooperate. Students learn through direct experience effective behavior and strategies for success. Your child will also learn to appropriately ask for what they need. This is a crucial thing to learn at a young age. We teach all this in a positive and supportive environment.
We guide your child through well-designed and facilitated classes that will build strong social skills. Your child will also learn basic skills like Balance, Coordination, Respect, Self-Discipline and a host of other skills that begin preparing them for life.
We want your child to become an integrated, happy person. If that is your desire, then call us today, make an appointment and let’s get your child everything they need to succeed!